Yokozen KabukiLocal Traditional Performance Art
Originating in the Edo period (1603-1867), Yokozen Kabuki theater has been inherited into the present day, continuing to represent the art of noson kabuki (farmers’ kabuki).

Stage Performance at Matsugami Shrine

“Yokozen (横仙),” meaning “beside (横, yoko) the mountain (山, san),” is an old name for the region including Nagi Town and the surrounding area. Long ago, locals referred to the mountain as “仙, sen”, combining the characters for “person” and “mountain” to represent the reverence of nature that people living in the harsh mountain environment held dear.

Yokozen Kabuki Main Show
Yokozen Kabuki is a traditional performance artthat spread to Nagi in the Edo Period. Also called “Jige-shibai” – or underground theater – Yokozen Kabuki serves as one of the few forms of entertainment in farming villages, as well as a means of strengthening the bonds of the local people throughout the year. Even now, there are many people who enjoy the regular shows held four times a year, as well as special performances held both within and outside of Okayama Prefecture.